
District News
School News
'B' School Recognition

B Rated School

Tucson High has been recognized as a 'B' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
Sportsmanship Award
The Tucson High girls basketball team with their award plaqueCongratulations to our girls basketball team for winning the AIA 6A Sportsmanship Award! Your hard work, dedication, and integrity on and off the court continue to make us proud. Way to go, ladies!
Levi Wallace Invitational
Track athletes on the field at Tucson HighTucson High hosted the 4th Annual Levi Wallace Track and Field Invitational! What an incredible day of athleticism and team spirit! With 27 teams in attendance, the event was a huge success! From intense races to impressive field performances, athletes gave it their all. Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and dedication.
The Class of 2024
A group of students stand in a row on stageTucson High's theatre program performed "The Class of 2024," on Feb. 28. This powerful production showcased the personal experiences of eight THMS graduate students as they shared their journeys through fear, isolation, and uncertainty, shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Marching Band Exhibition Performance
Tucson High Magnet Program

Watch the video above to learn more about Tucson High's magnet program!
Athlete Spotlight: Kevin Bruns & Joseph Romero
#TUSDSports is featuring profiles this year of athletes who are exceptional in attitude as well as performance. They were selected to be interviewed by their schools and coaches. Each story reflects the passion of individuals who have found that school sports are an avenue that enriches their personal and academic life. This video features Kevin Bruns and Joseph Romero, seniors at Tucson High Magnet School.